Friday, November 2, 2012

Gardens by the Bay

Was at Gardens by the Bay (lol! I typed band instead) with the family and aunt during the Hari Raya Haji holiday. Spent nearly half a day there and it was really well-spent (: 

Bet the mother enjoyed herself the most since she could see flowers and had tons of desserts which she has been restricting herself due to health concerns. Anyway, I'll show you some pictures taken at the Flower Dome and the Cloud Forest. 

But first, here's a picture of MBS and the open to public area of gardens.

Flower Dome Entrance 
Halloween theme

Spring came early

Cactus Section

This flower reminds me of a pirate. I don't know why. 

Pretty lil thing, isn't it. 

Flower almost blooming to its fullest.

Clear blue sky that day! Thank god the Flower Dome was air-conditioned. Would have died under the sun.

Next we moved on to the Cloud Forest where there is a magnificent waterfall - sort of. It was so cold at the entrance, probably because of the aircon and the slight water drizzling everywhere.

From the 3/4 top view?

Saw this disgusting wormy plant. An angmor even took a picture of it on his head. Ugh!

There were more orchids type in the Cloud Forest and other flowers like Lilies.

 While walking down the fountain, there was a level where they featured huge unpolished gems/stones. So here's a photo of me with the stones.

I'm wearing this stone as of now. It's suppose to relieve stress and negative energy (: There's others like rose quarts and all too.

 I shall end this post by saying that Gardens by the Bay would be a really good choice for a fmaily bonding session and with your IC and Passion card/NTUC member card, you'll get further discounts on the admission ticket. 5 of us spend $90 on the tix which I feel was pretty reasonable and you can re-enter to either domes, as long as you request for a chop before exiting either one.

Have a great weekend! xoxo

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