Sunday, October 7, 2012

Busy Bee

Been really busy ever since school started. Hence, the hiatus.

Last week, I attended a church wedding - No, there wasn't the classic wedding song when the bride walked down - and it was touching to see the couple exchanged their vows.

I'm a crybaby.
1) When my friend got married, I was so happy for them deep down that I had to hold back my tears during the dinner. This time was no exception! -.-
2)When my friend left for UK, I cried like mad the first time and had to hold back my tears on the second occasion. FML seriously.
3) The recent 855 (starhub cable tv channel) drama - On Call36, was so touching I cried straight for a few episodes

Here's a pic of my ootd for the church wedding:

 This is the ootd for the second night (hotel banquet @ Swissotel, The Stamford)

Let me show you some snippets of the dishes served at the banquet dinner

 Lobster - Save the sharks! - enoki mushroom and prawn broth

 Cold Plate

 Asparagus w Scallops - oh gosh! can die right now.

 Broccoli w Abalone which I didn't eat.

Now for the scenic view from the 64th storey!

How pretty is that? Even though it looks too commercialised with buildings everywhere. But oh wells! Singapore ya? (:


Let me end this post with a fat cat I chanced upon at Gim Moh last Sunday! Seriously sleepy and tired, I guess? It didn't bother to wake up even when passerby walked past it.



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